Saturday, December 10, 2011

Each region in Sweden has a main church, which always has two towers or steeples..whichever they're called, instead of the usual one. This is the main church in Lund, Skåne.
 Time for some wreath making with the mamma!

 She is really normal, I promise, just like me.
School photo! Which I never ended up buying cause it cost toooo much.
This is a little lake next to a huge field right by my house!

This is my windowsill. It is perfect. It is right next to the heater, I have a pretty star, there is a chocolate count down to Christmas thing on my wall, I have my paints and pens and scissors, some shoes I guess, my candles, my laptop, and the chocolate is missing from the scene....but basically it is a cozy perfect location.

I guess my little brother Lukas gets the tallest birthday cake since he is the shortest in the family! It is half a foot tall! Delicioussss chocolate raspberry cake that my dad baked. Mmmm.

Bellingham has the most beautiful sunsets in the entire world, but Sweden has beautiful skies too. Huge clouds. I love them.

This is the driving range at the golf course down the road from my house!

I told you the skies are awesome!