Saturday, December 10, 2011

Each region in Sweden has a main church, which always has two towers or steeples..whichever they're called, instead of the usual one. This is the main church in Lund, Skåne.
 Time for some wreath making with the mamma!

 She is really normal, I promise, just like me.
School photo! Which I never ended up buying cause it cost toooo much.
This is a little lake next to a huge field right by my house!

This is my windowsill. It is perfect. It is right next to the heater, I have a pretty star, there is a chocolate count down to Christmas thing on my wall, I have my paints and pens and scissors, some shoes I guess, my candles, my laptop, and the chocolate is missing from the scene....but basically it is a cozy perfect location.

I guess my little brother Lukas gets the tallest birthday cake since he is the shortest in the family! It is half a foot tall! Delicioussss chocolate raspberry cake that my dad baked. Mmmm.

Bellingham has the most beautiful sunsets in the entire world, but Sweden has beautiful skies too. Huge clouds. I love them.

This is the driving range at the golf course down the road from my house!

I told you the skies are awesome!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Exchange students are like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.

Every once in a while it is best to just take it easy. I might have a math test tomorrow. It might not go so well. But that is okay! One test isn't going to ruin everything. It isn't the end of the world. Sometimes I think too much thought is put into the little things. The temporary things. The big picture is important too. The people and the relationships. Not the new shoes or new hair style. I need people in my life. I miss the ocean, the trees, the mountains...Bellingham is beautiful. No doubt about it. But it's the people I miss most. Not a kind of miss that makes we want to go home. It's the kind of missing that makes me appreciate them more. I know they'll all be there when I go back. I knew that leaving for a year would make me appreciate life more, but I didn't really know I'm beginning to. It is all so strange. I love my family here. I feel at home with them, and in this house. Not even four months ago I got off a train looking like a junky with a ton of luggage, got in a car with four strangers, went out to the middle of nowhere with them, and looked at the house that is now home to me. I can tell by just looking at the state of my room that I feel way more comfortable here than in the beginning. I should clean it. Maybe tomorrow. Although I do say that a lot. I have learned so much by living with another family. It's something you can't understand until you've done it. So many new insights and perspectives. I also find it interesting to think about what it must be like for my family. They picked me with only a picture and a letter to decide. And then they picked me up from the train station with nooo idea what they were bringing home with them. That is brave I must say. Considering they are offering their home and so much more to me. What if we hated each other? That would suck for all of us. Luuuckily I think we like each other..or else they are the masters of deception. And now I bet they are reading this and laughing at me...and laughing that I failed my math test. Ha. Yeah I should go to bed. I have thought of some more Swedish America comparisons, but who knows what they were. And I willll put some pictures up some day. But today was a more thoughtful day. Or maybe a "I don't want to study anymore" kind of day. Or both. Or maybe that is always the case. Anyways, goodnight everyone. I hope your Christmas season is off to a lovely start! :)